What shoes should I choose? Part 1.

This is easily the most frequently asked question. And for good reason. It might be the most important question to consider. After all, this decides the foundation for your curling shoes for the near future. You want to make the right selection, and there are so many options from so Read more…

What shoes should I choose? Part 2.

I like muted colors. Earth tones. Suede. Two tone. You like bright colors. Orange and lime green. Lycra. Flashy. Everyone likes what they like, but there is more to consider. Regarding durability. Let’s move beyond aesthetics. A little anyway. Curling shoes need to be durable. It’s said “form follows function”. Read more…

What shoes should I choose? Part 4.

There are probably as many variations of delivery technique as there are curlers. Each has developed their own delivery that balances comfort and performance.  So you should take a close look at your delivery to see if the shoes you have your eye on are compatible with your delivery. For Read more…